Monday, January 31, 2011

Week 33

6 more weeks to go tell I get to hold my baby!!!
Its starting to feel more real everyday. I can not wait to have this precious little boy here.
Pregnancy is going really good! I am feeling great. Cody and I went to Florida last week, I was a little worried about how traveling would go but I didn't have the baby on the plane or in Florida. And the trip was wonderful! Cody calls it our "Babymoon".
I only have 4 more weeks of working at Dj Everetts:) This makes me smile. Ever sense I got that job 2 years ago, I knew it was a place that I did not want to be doing hair at for very long. Its been an awesome job for the most part and I have learned a lot. But I am so exited to just be working from home. I enjoy it so much more. I love being able to have my clients knock on my door, do their hair and then they leave. No driving for me or waiting around at the salon for my next client.


It hurts so bad, it starts at my lower back and works its way up all the way to about my bra. I get prenatal massages and it really doesn't help. I'm sure doing hair all day long and having a inverted uterus where I hold the baby really low is why.
* Heart Burn.
I really didn't think I had heart burn. My friends all warned me that heart burn is so bad when you are pregnant. I was bragging to Cody that I never have had it. Right after that I started complaining that whenever I eat I burp up my food for the longest time.. He laughed and informed me that that is heart burn. So I guess I get it. But its not that bad.
*Stretch mark*
I got my first stretch mark while I was in Florida. I am not happy about it, I really would love to not get any more.
Weight gain: 18 lbs.

Sorry to not have any photos up. I haven't stopped taking them but my computers hard drive is full and wont let my upload any more photos. I will get some up soon though.

Monday, January 17, 2011

32 weeks

Only 8 weeks to go!! The count down has begun and now I need to start getting things done. I was planning on waiting until after the baby showers before I went out and bought stuff but I'm getting anxious and want to have everything ready.
This week has been really good, I feel great considering I'm 8 months pregnant. Surprisingly I'm still able to work and it doesn't bother me at all being on my feet all day. I have a coworker that is a month behind me and she has had to cut her hours in half and when she is working it is really hard on her. I'm grateful to be able to still work. I would get really antsy if I was home for the rest of my pregnancy.
As of symptoms lately I have still been having horrible leg camps in the middle of the night. My skin is so dry, especially my face. I use lotion on it every chance I get and its still so flaky. And because my skin is so dry I have a bunch of rashes on my body, some on my neck, foot, face, hands. I don't think I cant use anything besides lotion to help them. But Ill bring it up to my doctor and see what he has to say. My appetite is about the same. Ive been craving grapefruit and milk. And I still really don't like meat at all.
As of weight gain I started at 130 and now I'm at 146. I think that's about normal. I read that from here on out you typically gain about a pound a week. I may just stop weighing myself so I dont have to see the scale get past 150:)

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

31 weeks

I want to meet this little guys so bad. At night when he is most active Cody usually holds my belly and I lay there in bed just wondering what this kid is going to be like. I already love him so much. I'm not sure if this is a pregnancy thing but every time I see a new baby or see a picture of one I start to cry, Not really sure why, I just feel like babies are a miracle. They are perfect!

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Week 30

Life is GOOD! The new year has already been super eventful.
Here is everything that has happened. Saturday I was really good, I was getting a great work out in, I ran on the treadmill and then did a bunch of squats and lungs. My back was kind of hurting but nothing serious. I showered and got ready to go out, then my back was really hurting. Went grocery shopping with Cody and then I really couldn't walk by the time we were done. It hurt SO BAD. Went home, Cody had to carry me to the couch, I started crying cuz it hurt so bad. After a few hours it got a lot better and I could kind of walk and its been getting better sense. Not sure what happened, I'm guessing I must have tweaked it doing squats or something. Not fun
Then... Tuesday I had a doctors apt. I had to do my gestational diabetes test. SO GROSS. I heard a lot of people say it wasn't bad and some say it is really bad. Well in my opinion it was awful. I could barely choke it done and I almost threw up while doing it. The apt went well, baby is nice and healthy. I leave and go to work and still feel super nausea. I wanted to go home but I had a bunch of hair apts to do. I let my clients know I wasnt not feeling well because I had to drink a nasty drink for some test. By my last apt I could tell this was more than an upset stomach. I left work and on my way home I about through up in my truck. Cody would have killed me:) I made it home and was so sick the rest of the night. It was the worst flu I have ever had. Its Saturday and I'm still recovering.
Because of the flu I was really dehydrated and on Wednesday night I got freaked out because I was having strong braxton hicks contractions. I had 3 or so in about 30 min and Cody was ready to go to the doctor. I told him its fine. (a little worried myself though) I drank as much water as my stomach would let me and went to bed. Everything was good.
Then to make things more eventful. Thursday and Friday I was so busy at work and probably working more than I should have. After I got off work Friday night we went straight to the temple. Got in the dressing room, I hurried and went to the rest room and noticed there was blood. I got super worried. Ive only bleed once while being pregnant and that was in the 1st trimester. I ask one of the sweet little ladies if she could possibly go get my husband. He was in the men's dressing room changing. I was thinking we would have to go the the ER:) but we called my doctor and he asked a bunch of questions. I could have gone and got checked out but the bleeding stopped. So we went home and decided to take it easy for the rest of the weekend. My boss was nice and let me move my clients saturday to next week. The bleeding stopped and now Im just going to take it easy today. I read things on line and Im not to worried about it.
So that was a lot of things to happen. Im exited to meet this little baby and get him here safely.