Monday, September 27, 2010

16 weeks

Another week down, 23 more to go:) Pregnancy is going by rather quickly although I am just dieing to meet this little baby, its not even funny. Before I got pregnant I read so many pregnancy books to prepare me, now I have been reading labor a delivery books and stories. It is really fun for me, the whole process is amazing. It makes me somewhat nervous because of so many thing that can happen and it sounds like there is a lot of pain involved but mostly I am just exited.
I have hired a doula last week. She will be there to help out with the delivery and coach me through the laboring. She is so nice! She is a family friend. I have gotten a few massages from her and she has magic hands that will defiantly come in handy.
How have I been feeling? It depends on the day, sometimes I feel great and have energy. So I get done with work and do a nice long workout and then get home and prepare dinner, and clean. Then the next day I am regretting it because I feel exhausted for the rest of the day. I can barely think. So I need to still take it easy and conserve my energy so I can function the next few days.
No more morning sickness. I get nausea's here and there if I go to long with out eating or if I smell the wrong thing. But nothing like it was in the beginning. I still have not much of an appetite. I have a hard time eating enough throughout the day. The bad thing is that sweets sound really good to me and things with little nutritional value. So I have to really force myself to eat a real dinner rather than chip and candy.
I would have to say my stomach is starting to pop out a little more. I still get comments saying I don't at all look pregnant but its much bigger than before.
OH and guess what, I have started feeling the little guy move around in there. It is very unnoticeable but if I'm laying down or sitting still. I can feel little wiggles. Best feeling ever knowing that something is actually in there:)

16 weeks
15 weeks

Friday, September 24, 2010

Only When you are prego...

SO sense I have been pregnant I have noticed a lot of things that are different, that would rarely happen unless you are expecting. Here are just a few...
1-Random people rubbing your belly!!! I am a pretty touchy person and dont mind being touched, but Ill admit its weird having random people touching my stomach. And I have a feeling its just going to get worse.

2- Going to the doctor every month even though you feel perfectly healthy.

3- Gaining weight is a good thing. This one is still weird for me, I am actually exited when I gain weight because I know its going to the baby. Cant say I have ever been exited to be putting the pounds on:)

4-Maybe this is just happening to me but every conversation starts out with how do you feel today? This probably wouldn't bug me if I could honestly say Great! But how I really feel is tired, nauseas, cranky, bloated...the list goes on. But instead of saying that I kindly say, I feel pregnant.

Monday, September 20, 2010

~15 weeks~

15 weeks pregnant:) Moving right along. I had a great week. Not to much change other than I'm quite fiesty with people lately. Which is not like me at all!! You always hear of pregnant women crying a lot and being emotional. Well not me, mine went the other way. I'm pretty irritable and short with people. I'm finding it hard not to talk back to my boss and tell him what I'm thinking:) And poor Cody, he gets to hear me vent about all the annoying things people did to me during the day. And I have caught myself getting mad at him for stupid things too. I cant wait for hormones to level out. Im still not feeling the baby move yet, but it should happen anytime now.
My favorite pair of skinny pants wont button anymore:( It was a sad day, I've moved on to my fat jeans. I have felt a lot better, starting to get energy back. I thinks that pretty much is it for new symptoms.
And I'm not going to post picks instill my stomach pops out, it looks exactly the same as last week.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010


I never thought I could get so much sleep and still be tired. I went to bed at 9:00 last night, woke up at 9:00 this morning. That's 12 hours and I feel like a nap sounds kind of good right now. I'm not going to let myself because there are things that need to get done and I would feel absolutely lazy knowing how much sleep I got last night. I cant wait to get some of my energy back.

Monday, September 13, 2010

Week 14

Week 14 was not to bad. I had a really busy week with work and my church calling. But I survived. I threw up for the first time on Saturday. I'm not quite sure if it was pregnancy or just what I ate. Cody wanted "Good times" for dinner, I wasn't hungry so I just got a lemonade. I downed it in like 5 min and I had a few of his frys and some of his milkshake. Lets just say it did not agree with me and lemonade is not fun at all to through up. It was GROSS! I got a UTI this week too, which has been no fun.
Anyways on a good note. I got a jogging stroller, crib, cradle, hiking backpack and a swing from a wonderful friend at church. I'm am SO grateful. I cant believe how generous people are. And I had no idea how many things you need for one little baby.

Pregnancy symptoms: Still pretty tired. My restless legs are getting really bad, more so when I am trying to fall asleep. I'm going to ask my doctor if I can take anything to help. My hair and nails are growing like crazy. Face is full of zits. Boobs have grown from small B to big C (I'm ok with this one) My stomach still is pretty much the same, I'm telling people I'm not showing because I have a flipped uterus and it makes the baby sit farther back in me. But I really have know idea, I just made that up. It sounds right though:)

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

13 weeks

Yeah for week 13. I feel much better:) It feels good to be done with the first trimester. I had a doctors apt yesterday and everything looks great. The baby is still growing and there is a nice strong heart beat. I really like my doctor, I can tell he loves what he is doing.
For symptoms as of lately I cant really complain to much sense the nausea is gone but my face/back is still braking out like I am 14 years old. My skin is a lot dryer, I have to use lotion now. ( I didn't before). I'm having a hard time eating healthy because veggies and meat still does not sound good. But I eat my fair share of fruit and peanut butter sandwiches. Oh and a really weird thing I'm craving is juice! I never drink juice because of all the sugar in it. Ive always just drank water but juice is back in my diet now.

I think it is time to clean the mirror:)

Wednesday, September 1, 2010


I have always loved pickles. And I didnt think I could like them anymore just because I was pregnant. Well today I found that to be false.
A friend from church brought us some home made pickle and I sat down to just eat a few. Well the next thing I know the whole jar is gone including the juice:) lol NO more pickles for me when im alone. I will have to have Cody home to supervise:)