Week 14 was not to bad. I had a really busy week with work and my church calling. But I survived. I threw up for the first time on Saturday. I'm not quite sure if it was pregnancy or just what I ate. Cody wanted "Good times" for dinner, I wasn't hungry so I just got a lemonade. I downed it in like 5 min and I had a few of his frys and some of his milkshake. Lets just say it did not agree with me and lemonade is not fun at all to through up. It was GROSS! I got a UTI this week too, which has been no fun.
Anyways on a good note. I got a jogging stroller, crib, cradle, hiking backpack and a swing from a wonderful friend at church. I'm am SO grateful. I cant believe how generous people are. And I had no idea how many things you need for one little baby.
Pregnancy symptoms: Still pretty tired. My restless legs are getting really bad, more so when I am trying to fall asleep. I'm going to ask my doctor if I can take anything to help. My hair and nails are growing like crazy. Face is full of zits. Boobs have grown from small B to big C (I'm ok with this one) My stomach still is pretty much the same, I'm telling people I'm not showing because I have a flipped uterus and it makes the baby sit farther back in me. But I really have know idea, I just made that up. It sounds right though:)
You are going to have the cutest baby bump! You are so lucky. You're so tall. You will look like you didn't even have a baby after it's born. I can't wait to find out what you're having!