On Tuesday I had a doctors visit, I was super exited because we had an ultra sound scheduled which means we got to see the little guy. Cody and I went to the ultrasound tech and she didnt say much but I figured everything was fine. Then we went up stairs to my OB and the nurse directed us to the ultra sound room. I thought it was weird to be having another ultra sound when I just had one. Then my doctor got to the room and told us that my previous ultra sound had shown that my omniotic fluid was super low. It was measuring at around a 2 and average is 8. He was super serious and said I would like to get the baby out no later than tonight. My thought was, oh geez this probably means c section. I really really did not want that but I wasnt scared and was ok with it knowing this what out of my control. Poor Cody looked like he was going to faint.
Anyways the doctor wanted to do another ultra sound to see what measurement he got and when he did it it was up to 8. Which is perfect, right where it is suppose to be. Because of that little scare he has me on high alert. He now he has been monitering the baby a lot more and having my come in twice a week for a stress test to make sure the baby is ok. Im really glad that is was just an miss reading but it got me to realize that the baby is going to be here any day. Im not sure if im ready yet. I would still like to decorate the babys room and clean the house really well. But ready or not the baby is going to be here soon, so I best be getting ready for him.
Oh and just for a side note... I was not very happy about this. When he check my cervix to see if I was diolated he sweeped my membrains without asking or telling me. Im only 37 weeks and sweeping your membrains will put you into labor if the baby is ready. I was so crampy and spotting for the next two days. Yeah, Im not to happy with him. But im not in labor yet so I think the baby still wants to cook for a while!
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