Monday, November 8, 2010

22 Weeks

Yesterday at church I was talking in the hall with some friends. Katie says,"Geez Kara you don't even look pregnant at all." Then James says,"Ya you just are looking chubby!"
This is what never to say to a pregnant lady, I was wanting to kill him for saying that. His wife has had four kids, he should know better.
This week not much has changed. Im feeling really good. Im feeling the baby kick A LOT. He is always moving when I sit down. Its really fun for Cody to feel the baby kick, he loves it:)
Heres some pics of the growing belly, I feel like Im getting a stomach finally. It pocks out past my boobs.

1 comment:

  1. You look so good!! Your belly is starting to look pregnant. I'm pretty sure that guy was trying to compliment you. Your torso is just so long your baby has a lot of room. I CAN NOT WAIT TO SEE YOU!!!

