Sunday, December 5, 2010


Sometimes I wonder why people say the things they say:)

A few weeks ago I had a client come in and she asked me how pregnancy was going ect. Then she says well you look great! You are carrying him very well. You have just gained a little weight right here (as she grabs her love handles) Other than that you look really good.
All I could think was Kara don't be rude don't kick her in the face for saying that. I'm sure she didn't mean it in a rude way.
Now I am self conscious of my lovehandles, stupid lady!
FYI dont tell a pregnant lady she is gaining weight anywhere, she may hurt you:)

1 comment:

  1. HA! Are you kidding me? I was just showing Taylor your belly pictures.. and We compared them to mine... lol! I was the same size you were at 20 weeks when I was 15 weeks. We were both laughing about how huge I got. So YES! you do look AMAZING. You are a lucky girl!
